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Home / Blogs / Cash For Cars Brisbane What To Look When Receive Sold Car Payment
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Cash For Cars Brisbane What To Look When Receive Sold Car Payment

Posted on October 29, 2020 / By Car Service / 0 comments

After so many attempts, finally, you found the right cash for car Brisbane Company to sell your old vehicle. But wait, have you checked and discussed the payment method with them. As we all know payment and documentation is one of the most essential steps to complete the deal, hence cash for car is the most ideal way to close the deal immediately without facing any difficulty.

There have been times when the buyer contacted you to buy your old car and leave you with a cheque, which creates issues to clear, due to several reasons. The most common reason is that you might deal with a wrong or fraud person, who towed your car and handed you a bounce or false check. Now, what to do? In such a crisis, cash for cars Brisbane is one such trusted option that will leave you with a good experience of car selling at the end. There are several free car removal companies that are offering cash for car deal to save up your time as well as maintain transparency between them and their clients.

1 Ask For Cash For Car Payment

Make sure not to accept any personal checks from a buyer, as it might leave you in a fraud case situation. Request the buyer to always deal in cash, as this is the most safest and trustworthy option you can use.

2 Payment Through Wire Transfer

In case, you agreed to get a payment through wire transfer, then you must understand that you will receive your payment typically from the bank by the next business day. Hence, being a cash for car Brisbane company, we suggest you not handover your car papers until you receive your car payment in your account.

3 Say No To Installment Payment

In Brisbane, there are a lot of used car buyers, who promised you to pay your car amount in installment. Do not agree with them, as this is definitely a fraud call. To protect yourself, either you can cancel the deal or ask them to pay you in cash for secured money.

4 Request the Buyer to Provide Updated RC

Make sure to request a buyer to hand over a copy of the updated RC book (that has been properly moved to the purchaser's name) to you. While this step without a doubt is important, so make sure not to wait so long. Keep the updated RC copy safe alongside the other held records of the vehicle.

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